Monday, April 11, 2011

It's Been Awhile...

Yeah, pretty much forgot I had ever set this up. I'm going to make another attempt at getting something started here, a year after I had intended to.

Last year was a wild ride. I don't really want to write too much about it right now, but I will come back to it in a later post.

I'm going to touch briefly on some facts to give you a bit of an update. I will be done with classes for college at the end of the Fall semester (hopefully, as right now my senior research paper is apparently "worthless" in the eyes of my professor, but we shall see about that.) I will be going on a ten day trip at the end of the semester with a class, as part of the class. I don't know where we will be going for sure yet, but should know in a couple hours. A couple months ago I ended a relationship based solely on things that were out of either of our control, which sucks in a way but by turning back to my friend, the bottle, I was over it at an incredibly rapid pace.

Now, I have to go get ready for class, but plan on thinking things over for the day and posting something on here that should be entertaining. So, in text speak, BRB.

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