Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Debt, Random things

Anyone that has me as a friend on facebook (Ill bitch about that later) may have noticed that yesterday I made a comment about how the debt of college goes against what most of us are taught. (Don't spend money you don't have). Well, this was a huge cause of stress for me which I believe I self resolved today/last night when i got up to figure it out at 4 in the morning. Basically, I have enough credit to my name that I can go into debt for a couple months starting right now, recover over the summer, go back into it a bit over the fall semester, then recover from that debt, the college debt, and anything else that comes out like a regular human. I'm not planning on much debt, actually planning on as little as possible because that is how I was raised, just enough so I don't have to live like a fucking hermit for half a year. Apparently this is the logical conclusion when you figure it all out and realize you are making below the poverty level even though your parents are helping you out and you are working a bit every week.

Facebook friends....ok, I understand that a facebook friend doesn't have to be an actual friend (how many of your friends on facebook would you see if you threw an "all my friends" party free of cost for them....if you say all of them, you are likely lying, but if it is true than more power to you) but if I would go through my facebook friends, which i have done before, I would realize that I am more willing to punch a few of them in the face rather than shake their hands and get a beer with them. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of friends which mean the world to me (I would do anything for Curt, Kansas, the Staley Twins, etc) but what does one certain person, who I will not name, mean to me? I basically caused his girlfriend to break up with him and we essentially hate each others guts. Last time I saw him in person was at a party, he looked at me with unhidden distaste for me, looked around, realized I had brought more of my big friends with me than him his, and ignored me.

I guess the ultimate point is that a facebook friendship feels nice and kind of makes your feel closure, but it doesn't mean shit.

Reality TV......If you have cable or dish, it seems like you can not change the channel without finding some kind of show that follows the jobs or lives of a certain group of people. To stress my point I am going to make a brief list. (Cake Boss, Pawn Stars, Hardcore Pawn, American Pickers, Ax Men, Swamp Loggers, Swamp People, Deadliest Catch, Gold Rush.....). Ill admit just as much as the next person that these shows are interesting, or at least that some of them are, but what I do not understand is what caused these shows to be so popular. American Chopper started out as show completely about building choppers, but now it is a show that is 10% about that and 90% drama. Most of these shows contain a large helping of drama, which leads me to believe that viewers are looking for entertainment that provides them with other people's shit to be interested in so they do not worry so much about their own shit.

Marijuana, Pot, Ganja, Reefer, Cannabis, Sweet Mary Jane..... First off, I do not smoke the stuff. I have seen it lead to heavier shit, cause people to not get hired, and just turn people into worthless piles of skunky smelling crap that I just do not have the desire to smoke it. Have I smoked it in the past? You bet your ass I have, my senior/junior years of highschool are basically just things that I know that I experience because I have a diploma. One of my good friends looked at me the other day and said "no matter how much you call me a pothead, I don't think i could ever touch what you were like in highschool..." and the bitch of it was I couldn't argue with him....at all. Proud of it? No, I am not at all proud of it.

This all does not mean that I take a negative stance on pot. Even though I have seen a lot of people crash and burn from it, to be honest they were the idiots of my group anyway. I have read a lot of articles that say that pot is very good for a person, and I think it is no worse than being drunk, and I also believe it is only illegal because it is a major money maker for our government.

Well, that's it for now. I am tired and have high hopes of having the first good night sleep in about a week. We shall see and I will be back soon.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ranting, Raving, Reflecting, Stumbleupon.

Just figured out where we will be going for our class trip at the end of the semester. We are going to the Badlands, which if you ask me looks like a pretty bitching trip. Now just to get all the stuff that I need.

I know I have complained about the scam that is known as college before, but with me getting ever closer to graduation it seems to continue to get worse and worse. Not to mention the fact that I couldn't really give much less of a damn about my senior project which is successfully sucking the life out of me and causing way more stress than it is worth. I am REALLY looking forward to finally getting that $35,000.00 or so diploma in my hand, and then having to pay for it with most of my spare money over the next several years.../sarcasm.

Changing subjects completely and rapidly, anyone who spends a lot of time on the internet out of pure boredom needs to become familiar with the joys of Stumbleupon. What you do is tell the application what kind of stuff you like looking at on the internet (yes, it even has a XXX option if you are willing to do some preference editing...), takes this information, and based on sites that other stumbleupon users have "liked" that share similar interests with you, and takes you to sites it believes you will like.

I know that paragraph turned into a grammatical nightmare at the end, but I gave up trying to make it sound/look right because it still delivers the point. Anyway, the application is very awesome and it is easy to kill countless hours hitting the little button. No, I don't typically have countless hours to spend on the internet, but on nights at work that are particularly boring, I do like to use it.

Speaking of nights I work, guess where I am at now? And guess what? It's boring, as usual. Been stumbling for about an hour now. It is only so interesting to sit alone behind all of the bowling machines and wait for one of them to simply mess up, break, completely kick the bucket, or just waiting for some impatient asshole who doesn't think his ball is coming back fast enough/lane isn't working fast enough. At first (almost 3 years ago) I liked this job because it gave me a lot of time to do homework or just surf the net, but I have spent so much time on the internet at this job that it is just boring to me anymore.

Well, that's all I can think of right now, might be back later, if not then I will shoot for sometime soon.

It's Been Awhile...

Yeah, pretty much forgot I had ever set this up. I'm going to make another attempt at getting something started here, a year after I had intended to.

Last year was a wild ride. I don't really want to write too much about it right now, but I will come back to it in a later post.

I'm going to touch briefly on some facts to give you a bit of an update. I will be done with classes for college at the end of the Fall semester (hopefully, as right now my senior research paper is apparently "worthless" in the eyes of my professor, but we shall see about that.) I will be going on a ten day trip at the end of the semester with a class, as part of the class. I don't know where we will be going for sure yet, but should know in a couple hours. A couple months ago I ended a relationship based solely on things that were out of either of our control, which sucks in a way but by turning back to my friend, the bottle, I was over it at an incredibly rapid pace.

Now, I have to go get ready for class, but plan on thinking things over for the day and posting something on here that should be entertaining. So, in text speak, BRB.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You get what you put in, and people get what they deserve.

Well, if you recognize that title from a song you like, then we have one thing in common. Kid Rock has some great tunes to offer. You can find a song of his that can fit any mood you may be in at the moment.

Anyway, as the title would suggest, things are actually going my way for the first time in what seems like a long time. I recently turned 21, so now I can legally enjoy something I have been enjoying for several years.

Also, I'm getting an awesome deal on a sweet vehicle, which will do a great job at replacing the POS that I used to drive. My grades are still pretty good, at least so far in this semester. I will be getting a shit load of money back for my taxes.

I'm also really enjoying being able to go out without worrying about pissing off a significant other. I do what I want, when I want, which is exactly what I need at this point in my life.

I think that is all for now, ill be back when something strikes my fancy.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Random Thoughts

Hello all! First time blogger here, so this is kind of testing the waters and to see how I like it. Well, let's get down to business, shall we?

I was just a participant in a relationship termination. This relationship was quite long-term (over 2 years) and yeah, it sucks. The part that actually bothers me is that we both knew that it was coming to an end. Since we both knew this, I don't really understand why the reality of it is such a bitch.

I've found that the best way to take my mind off of all this is to cram so much other shit in there to the point where there is no room for the depressing thoughts. I find myself continuously thinking that it surely can't be real, then I remember that it is. I KNOW that I am going to be happier having the relationship over in the end, but I think I am entitled to at least a little bit of self pity. For fuck's sake, I am having "memories" of awesome things that happened between us, then I realize that the "memories" DIDN'T EVEN HAPPEN! What the hell is that? Sure, there were some good times between us, but the bad times were worse and more numerous.
The total bitch of the whole subject is that we have to live together for another three months. Whatever, I'll deal with it. On to some less depressing things that I want to casually touch on.

Casual thought #1 - The Disney Channel
Seriously, what in the flying fuck are kids these days watching? This stuff is so brain-numbingly retarded I am at a loss for words to describe it. What happened to the days of Bugs, Daffy, Elmer Fudd, Tweety, Tom, Jerry, Dexter, Arnold, etc...?I don't know about you, but I think we turned out alright watching that stuff.

Casual thought #2 - Reading
I'm not gonna lie, I absolutely love reading. I tend to lean towards the unrealistic novels, since if I wanted to experience something real, I could step outside. The Lord of the Rings, Shannara, The Dark Tower, Carrie, 'Salem's Lot...its all good. I feel that reading has "enriched my brain" so to speak. I don't know if I am quite willing to directly relate my increased GPA to me starting reading again, but they did happen at about the same time.

Casual thought #3 - College
Why has this money-stealing practice been allowed for so long? You go to college your freshman year, and there is a strong possibility that absolutely none of your classes relate to your major. You get up a couple grades, and even though your classes SEEM like they might relate to your major, the vast majority of the class is fluff. In my opinion, they should make a random sampling of people that already have the required major go through the courses again and have them pick out the classes and the portions of those classes that actually relate to the degree. Then, everyone could probably get their degree in a semester or two, and join the workforce. Win win.

Alright, that's it for now. I'm going to set this into circulation via stumbleupon, so go ahead and "like" it if you like it. If I feel that enough people enjoy my ranting, there will be more. With that, I'm off to study up on field identification of trees having to know common and scientific names. (See thought three for how I feel about this).

Ageless Stranger